题目:Independent Directors and Active Boards: Evidence from Board Minute 主讲人:祝继高 教授 对外经济贸易大学国际商学院 主持人:王亚男 副教授 中南财经政法大学金融学院 时 间:2022年4月13日(周三) 14:00-15:30 地 点:腾讯会议(507-160-478) 讲座摘要 Until now the literature has used what boards look like such as board size and composition to proxy for board decision-making. Using a unique dataset of board minutes, we provide new evidence for what boards actually do inside the boardroom including documenting differences in voting behaviors across key proposal characteristics and contrasting independent directors’ voting behaviors against other directors’. Importantly, we are the first to link what boards actually do to firm performance. Contrary to the prevailing perception that directors rarely dissent, we find that directors actively dissent on proposals that are not disclosed to the public. We construct a measure of “active board” to capture boards that actively take major actions aiming to improve firm performance. We find that a more active board generates more information, is more efficient in making decisions, and tends to vote in line with the management. Interestingly, a more active board behaves differently from a more independent board, especially when the board is voting on supervisory proposals. Additionally, the economic determinants that explain the fraction of independent directors on the board have little explanatory power for active boards. Lastly, a more active, but not a more independent, board is associated with better firm performance. 嘉宾介绍
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